What is Gestalt Psychotherapy?

As a gestalt therapist I trust that deep down you hold the answers to your own personal conflicts and dilemmas. I trust that solutions will naturally present themselves to us during a process of exploration by staying with the feelings that arise in the moment.

I see my gestalt practice as more of a philosophy. It is not a set of predictive, mechanistic tools designed to get you from A to B and as such I do not presume to tell you what you should or should not do. Instead, I will help you to discover for yourself what feels right for you. We are all unique and what feels right for me, may not be right for you.   

“It is about discovering and trusting in our fundamental goodness, in the goodness and wisdom of the ‘here and now’. It is in our underlying profound orientation towards the emergent nature of health and development and wholeness.”

(Robinson, J., 2018, BGJ, Vol. 27, no. 2, p. 51)